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IFS operates as a project-driven business. We develop our software product set using an agile development methodology, with shifting priorities and deliverables. Our customers rely on us to implement software for them to meet business-critical needs. So we have an understanding of what it takes to run an enterprise-level project.

But from where I sit, one of the biggest projects the marketing team is working on is planning and executing our upcoming IFS World Conference 2015 in Boston. One reason something like our World Conference is such an undertaking is that our goals include more than the typical measurable outcomes like attendance and attendee satisfaction. We also want to delight, inspire and transform you, the attendee. We want you to come away with a new enthusiasm for what you can achieve through your involvement with IFS, whether you are an existing customer, an existing partner or a prospective customer.

How do you fit those ephemeral goals into a scope of work for an event? How do you ensure each session, each opportunity to interact with peers, delivers on this high ideal?

The IFS marketing team and the extended events team works nonstop for more than a year is how. The World Conference is consuming a good deal of my bandwidth, as well as that of a number of our senior management and subject matter experts. There is also of course an excellent team of event planners including the talented Jodie Yeadon who are singularly focused, full time, on the World Conference.

If we were to compute the number of planning and management hours, and compare them to the number of hours the event will be in session, I shudder to think what that ratio would be. But no amount of effort is too great given our goal. Register for the event. You will sense and experience the result of our organizational effort. You will be transformed.

Highlights of the IFS World Conference 2013 in Barcelona
The IFS World Conference 2015 will be held May 5-7, Boston, Mass. USA.

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