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Over 1,200 people from 50 countries joined us in Gothenburg, Sweden for IFS World Conference 2016.

After yet another successful IFS World Conference event (attended by over 1,200 people who joined us in Gothenburg from 50 countries to listen to over 160 speakers including Bob Parker from IDC, Ben Salama from Accenture and Micael Dahlén, and was effectively moderated by Jon Briggs while drinking 14,400 cups of coffee over the course of the event’s three days, according to our Global event team), I must say I am exhausted in a good way.

Our clients, along with their 200, 000+ users, shared their stories of how IFS Applications 9, with its world-class interface and layered applications architecture, has enabled configuration rather than customization, thereby allowing for more of an “evergreen” enterprise solution than what they had hoped for and thus maximizing the speed in which they can adapt their business to the ever-changing reality that we all work in.

From a wholesale and retail perspective, the event was a great success with clients from all over the world actively participating, playing a central part in the keynotes and delivering their own breakout presentations as a complement to the ones from IFS R&D and the IFS CX Retail & Wholesale team. First and foremost, we got the opportunity to interact with one another to better understand the challenges the industry faces and jointly agree upon how to handle them effectively moving forward. For us, customer intimacy is not just a buzzword; it is a part of our DNA.

Important conference takeaways from our journey

There are a couple of things from our journey that I believe is worth mentioning – IFS launched the IFS IoT Business Connector that will enable our clients to measures any unit that is sensor-driven, resulting in proactive, real-time data, which is really the reality that is moving towards us at record speed. This was one of many innovative applications for consumer-driven industries that we showed potential usage of (and I still have Micael Dahlén’s “anything is possible” ringing in my ears). We are ready and we will ensure that our clients make use of this revolutionizing technology to better position them against their competitors.

Another thing that stayed with me besides great food, entertainment, fun comments and great dialogue with people from far and near is the launch of the new IFS Enterprise Operational Intelligence (EOI) giving the possibility of finally driving a better world based on sound, sustainable products and services. This is what I hope for; that we in our joint efforts can finally make a statement that we all can relate to in our everyday life– the common wish to do good.

Until we meet again, stay well and good luck in all your personal and business endeavors.

Highlights from IFS World Conference 2016

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