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Good news from IFS HQ today in that the domain name is now in its rightful (and purple) digital home.

You can now get to our website by plugging into your browser (soon we’ll move the site over rather than just forwarding) and contact colleagues at IFS through

Why the change?

For starters, it’s clearly the obvious URL for our company and will help anyone wanting information and updates to navigate simply and easily to what they’re after. This is important for both our prospective and current customers and partners, but also extends to candidates, suppliers as well as many other people in our ecosystem.

We’re on a growth journey and over the past year have been experiencing a significant increase in awareness and interest. It’s an important step in how we deliver our digital marketing transformation, which regular visitors to our website will have experienced firsthand over the past few months.

In addition to modernizing the look and feel of the website, we are continuing to evolve the navigation, technical functionality and the way visitors consume content. It’s all part of our drive to be more customer centric – a mantra that’s lived and being brought to reality in all elements of our business.

The updates on the web will continue, so I welcome you to both visit regularly and share your thoughts – either as comments, or send a note to my new email address:!

Do you have questions or comments?

We’d love to hear them so please leave us a message below.

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5 Responses

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    Jerry Peres

    Thank you for sharing good knowledge and information. It’s very helpful and understanding as we are looking for this information for a long time.


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